Commander's Emphasis Items
- SDWG received TWO Mission Awards during last week's National Conference, pictured above:
- Best in NCR Homeland Defense/Homeland Security and
- Best in NCR Cadet Program
- Only one other NCR wing, Kansas, earned two mission awards.
- CAP National Conference - Col. Michael Marek reports on his notes from multiple briefings during the conference.
- The last SAREX of the federal fiscal year is Saturday, Sept 9 in Custer, including Mission Staff, Aircrew, Ground Team and sUAS crew training. Crazy Horse Composite Squadron is planning to offer lunch as a fundraiser, in exchange for a suggested $10 contribution. The deadline for signing up is Friday September 1st at 9:00 PM Mountain Time. After that time, we can't guarantee you'll be able to participate of have enough food available for you. Sign up here.
- National Legislative Day Advance Planning. We are considering taking a limited number of cadets to Washington DC again this year, dates TBA but likely at the end of February, 2024. Participants will visit Congressional offices and see other sites in the DC area. See the email from Lt Col Tom Anez, sent August 4.
- Sioux Falls Airshow - See more information and a photo gallery from CAP's support for this major event Aug 5.
- Pierre Composite Squadron joined Scotty Philip Days, including their parade float featuring Lee Vaughn's Piper J-3 replica aircraft.
- Important reminders about Finance:
- All invoices/oil changes/online orders, etc., need to have the Wing HQ address on them and preferably Rachel's email address for questions and or receipts to be mailed (
- CAP vehicle oil changes should not have the member's home address. You can use your phone number as a POC, but ALL CAP invoices, oil changes, and online orders should state "care of CAP" in the address or contact information.
- We get money from the state of SD and use of member addresses can be questioned. We have also had a vendor call a member about a payment, which should not happen. Members can place orders, but we do not want the vendor to call you if a payment is in question.
- Our mailing address and phone is:
PO Box 335
Box Elder, SD 57719
Or for deliveries use:
4257 Airport Road, Suite A
Rapid City, SD 57703
Congratulations Promotions are based on NHQ notifications 1 - 22 August. Ceremonies may still be pending. In this issue, we are adding senior member specialty track achievements.
- Level 1: Stephanie Diaz, Nils Altvater, Holly Jung-Stern
- Level 2, Part 1: Andrew Smith
- Level 5: Kevin Pegelow
Mary Donley, Senior Command specialty track
- Daniel Lautenschlager, Technician Emergency Services specialty track
- Kevin Pegelow, Senior in Finance specialty track
- Ruth Carley, Technician in Character Development specialty track
- Skye Timmer, Technician in Health Services specialty track
- Gary King, Technician in Command specialty track
- C/Amn Evan Neff, Achievement 1, 15 Aug 2023
- C/A1C Isaac Clement, Achievement 2, 3 Aug 2023
- C/A1C Gabriella Garland, Achievement 2, 10 Aug 2023
- C/SMSgt James Stolley, Achievement 6, 2 Aug 2023
- C/CMSgt Joshua Vermundson, Achievement 7, 16 Aug 2023
- C/SSgt Ian Klinski, Wright Brothers, 17 Aug 2023
- C/Amn Dominick Larson, Achievement 1, 3 Aug 2023
- C/SrA Ashlynn Shutes, Achievement 3, 14 Aug 2023
- C/TSgt Tyson Springman, Achievement 4, 10 Aug 2023
Upcoming Events Summary The SDWG Internal Master Calendar is the primary listing of SDWG events
- SAREX, Sept 9, Custer
- SD Emergency Management Conference, Sept 13-15 Deadwood
- ROTC/JROTC O-Rides, Sept 15-16, Sioux Falls
- SDWG ES Academy, 13-15 Oct
- SAREX, Nov 3-5 Pierre